Thursday, December 17, 2009


This year, for Thanksgiving we went to Ohio and had dinner in Cincinnati on Thanksgiving Day. We've gone to Ohio to visit my family for Thanksgiving every year since we've been married, and I thank Tim for conceding this holiday to me. Thanksgiving with my side. Easter with his side. Here are some other things I am thankful for this year in no particular order (except for the first one):

1. Of course, my children. They are incredible kids, and my world would be a shade of dim without them.

2. We have enough. We are not living high on the hill and money gets tight, but when it comes down to it, we have what we need. And in an economical year like this one, I appreciate that on a new level.

3. The play yard gate. This massive baby gate is our saving grace on most days. We have half of the basement baby proofed and stocked with toys. I still have to be on my toes, but it is a million times easier with that gate.

4. My parents who have been so supportive in many ways this year.

5. Facebook. I know it seems silly, but for me staying home would have been very isolating without a way to interact with friends and family as the chaos allows.

6. Tim. He is a great friend, dad, and partner.

7. Digital camera. So glad that I can take 50 thousand pictures in order to get one keeper. It's nice to be able to document this time so easily.

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