Friday, December 18, 2009

Owen's Letter to Santa

Owen dictated his Santa letter to me this year. I typed it up, read it back, and Owen made a few changes. Then, we took the letter to see Santa in the mall. Santa read the whole thing and talked to Owen for a little while about it.

Dear Santa,

This is Owen Wade Metzger. I was so good that maybe you could get me the presents I want. This year, I was good of sharing my pancakes with Sadie. Also last time I was helpful of putting the Christmas decorations on the Christmas tree. I know how to put dishes in the dishwasher and put stuff that's not posed to be out in the trash. I take turns with my friends really good. I try to do a good job listening at home and at swim lessons and sometimes Taekwondo. I can say the Pledge of Allegiance. And I already got a suprise from Grandma Liles, the Santa Buddies movie.

And Santa, can you bring me some Bakugans when you're on the way to give people some presents? Please do you know what presents I want? Do you know what Christmas is all about? It's about giving presents to somebody. And Santa, can you give me an outside pretend boat? It's a pirate boat, and you can sit in it. I saw it on a magazine.

Santa, I love you. I like how you say Ho Ho Ho. How do you get down the chimney? And guess what. I know some jokes. What did the ghosts give the monkeys to eat?...BOOnanas! Hahaha!

I want a couple of stuff. Maybe you don't know. There's a kind of one square Bakugan that I want. And a new book about Christmas. Maybe it would cost a lot of money. Maybe something like a checkers game that Daddy can know how they move.

Santa, could you bring me something that I really like that I don't have on my list, and can you try to know what they are? I think there is some presents I really like...and will be kind of fun to play with.

My brother Blake wants a stuffed dog and a blue bouncy ball. He likes your suit a lot. My sister Sadie wants a pink bunny and a bouncy ball and a girl toolbox set because Blake already has one.

Whenever it's Christmas, check my list twice. I'm gonna leave you some cookies, stocking ones. Have a safe trip. Buckle your seatbelt.

Love, Owen

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