Friday, December 18, 2009
Owen's Letter to Santa
Thursday, December 17, 2009
1. Of course, my children. They are incredible kids, and my world would be a shade of dim without them.
2. We have enough. We are not living high on the hill and money gets tight, but when it comes down to it, we have what we need. And in an economical year like this one, I appreciate that on a new level.
3. The play yard gate. This massive baby gate is our saving grace on most days. We have half of the basement baby proofed and stocked with toys. I still have to be on my toes, but it is a million times easier with that gate.
4. My parents who have been so supportive in many ways this year.
5. Facebook. I know it seems silly, but for me staying home would have been very isolating without a way to interact with friends and family as the chaos allows.
6. Tim. He is a great friend, dad, and partner.
7. Digital camera. So glad that I can take 50 thousand pictures in order to get one keeper. It's nice to be able to document this time so easily.
Horrible Parenting Gone Wild
Meanwhile, Tim had heard Owen get up, but never heard him go back to bed, so thankfully he got up to search the house for the little guy. I woke up to, "Jess! What are you doing!?" Dazed and confused, I found Owen, mouth agape, staring at a commercial for Girls Gone Wild. I was horrified! I don't even let him watch superhero cartoons, and here he was getting quite the eyeful of drunken idiots. I rummaged for the remote as fast as I could and turned the stupid thing off, but you just can't make a kid un-see things. Tim said Owen must have been downstairs for 5 minutes. We asked Owen what he saw, and he said that the people were acting bad. We agreed with him and asked him if he should have watched. He got embarrassed. He knew he shouldn't have, although I don't know of any kids who wouldn't watch at all. The new rule in our house for parents is set the sleep timer on the TV. For kids, if it's bad, turn it off.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Throughout October since Owen's not in school and we were in need of some quiet activities while the babies were sleeping, we made a haunted house. We worked on different parts each day like salt dough ghosts, pumpkin pie dough pumpkins, paper bag trees, and diaper box house. Nice to spend some time being creative with my little buddy.
Blake and Sadie's First Birthday

Ha ha, glad Tim was the one holding Blake. I got the neat one this time.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Owenisms #4

Joke. "Why does the guy on a rope carry two things in each hand? Because that way he's balanced!" More of a fact than a joke really. Other fact "jokes". "Why are we sitting at the table? To eat!" "Why does a penguin walk funny? Because his legs are short."
I said the word butt. Owen shook his head at me. "Mom, you just said a bad word, and Santa probably heard you, so now you're not going to get anything for Christmas."
Owen LOVES to play Connect 4 - a lot! (Please Santa, bring him some new games already.) At Thanksgiving in Cincinnati, he was playing with my 21-year-old cousin, Ben, a really smart guy. Owen won two rounds and said, "Didn't cha ever play before?" He wasn't being snotty, just genuinely asking. Ben said that the last time he played was when he was little. Owen felt so sorry for him and goes, "Oh, but you never won?"
Speaking of Connect 4, Tim won a game against Owen and started doing a dance around the room. Owen was so disappointed in his Dad's behavior. He goes, "Dad, that's bragging. Bragging is when you cheer for yourself too much. It's not being a good sport." Good lesson Owen. But, by the way, Tim doesn't always win and we don't usually just let Owen win unless we're just trying to finish up so we can do something else with our lives. Owen has just gotten pretty good at the game and honestly wins just about as much as we do!
Yesterday he was pretending that our entire house was driving to the North Pole so that we could visit with Santa and the elves. He'd say, "Did you feel that bump?" According to him, the trip would take 25 hours and we would not be required to work in the workshop, just visit. I think he got this idea from a combo of Disney's Up and various Christmas movies.