Thursday, November 19, 2009

Swim Lessons

I love having Owen in swim lessons. It's great exercise, it feels good, and he really excels at it! He's four. The other kids in his class are 6, 7, 8, and 10. He swims more than 10 laps at each lesson now. I don't want to push him to hard, but I get so excited to see him swimming so well. Around here, we have a really good youth team, and I would be so happy for him if it ended up working out to be something he liked and was good at. I really want him to find a sport or sports to play as he grows up. Athletics keep you busy, focused, and out of trouble in those teen years. Owen doesn't isn't a naturally fast runner or great at controlling a ball. (I get that he's really young and can learn these things.) But, Owen is naturally a good swimmer. I am so proud of him.


  1. I am very impressed. I think all of his strokes look really good. I do have to argue about is ball ability. He could hit that baseball at two! I agree activities with parent involment and interest keep kids on the right track. Enjoy Jess and Tim

  2. Could Owen teach me to swim? I can not and I am scared of the water. I know I have to learn soon because Amelia and Evie love the water.
